You are all invited to attend our annual Christmas get together at the Watersports Centre on Sunday 6th December from 1200 noon. Please...

Good Year for Tideway Hansa (Access) Racing
Some brilliant photos from the racing season!

Good Year for Tideway Hansa (Access) Racing
The National Hansa (Access) Traveller Series concluded at Frensham Pond Sailing Club this year. It was a good year for Tideway; Glynis...
Thank you for a great 2015 season
A big thank you to everybody for their contribution during the year. It's been great to see so many hidden talents coming out and the...
Your Financial Support
If you have enjoyed sailing this year and have not yet paid your membership subscription it's not too late. Please email...
Winter Sailing and Maintenance
Sailing continues on Sundays throughout the winter. Whether you are a weekday volunteer or sailor, we would very much like to see you on...
RYA Sailability
RYA Sailability run their own newsletter - Foghorn. As you may have seen we were contacted recently and featured. Do have a look at...
Bart's Bash 2015
2015 saw another great day on the water with Bart's Bash. We'd like to thank Mark Firth for organising the event, Jim Dow for being race...

Tanni's servo outing
After much hard work and technical expertise from Mark Firth and Paul Bennett, Tanni had her first outing helmed by Melvin Kinnear in the...

Paul's Fastnet Adventures!
On the 16th of August I set off as part of ten strong crew set off on Palpatine, a 42 foot racing yacht to take part in the Fastnet race....